Six Parameters to Nail a Sales Call

Sales is not a profession; it’s a skill.

Hey guys, wishing you a Great Day!

Sales are the backbone of a company, with its profit and revenue both very dependent on it, and a thriving startup owner has a supreme focus on improving and driving across the sales channel for the benefit of the company and getting the cash rolling!

So today, let’s figure out the metrics of a sales call to get you on the right track for getting your sales up and running! Here are 6 points that I observed for sales.

A successful consultant earns about 2500-3000 USD daily, a significant part of which comes from sales. A driving fact behind his motivation is that essential projects range from 3 to 4 months, making this a lot of money, and that, too, is decided by one important sales call.

So now we know the sheer importance of sales in a company and the gravity of it, let’s understand the work behind it.

  1. The client needs someone to help them complete their task, and you need to pitch in and break the barrier between them. A routine sales call usually runs for 30 minutes, of which 3 minutes are for intros,5 minutes for setting the context, and the rest for problem-solving and brainstorming. 
  2. Openings are usually wrapped quickly since you both already have seen each others’ resumes, and the context setting is similarly swiftly completed, though it is the backbone of the call. In the rest 22 minutes, your job is to make the client understand why you are cut out for this thing and will manage to get this done for him. 
  3. After the clients agree, questions and answers need to follow as they determine the approach to be followed by both parties in the deal. Effective dialogues and clear language help you understand the client’s requirements. 
  4. Do not hesitate to ask critical questions, even though they sound trivial, as you get a clear understanding, and only then you could manage to get the task together. Right questions pave the way for correct answers to be determined.
  5. Common questions like communication norms, timelines, organization buy-ins, and data access are some things to be immediately asked, and further specific questions will automatically follow.
  6. After getting the brainstorming right, asking the client, “What did I not ask you but I should be asking” helps them get a clear view of how motivated you are to get things done positively, and he also is an effective deal setter towards the end of the call.

Given the theory, it is up to you to adopt the framework according to your style and make things a massive success. Sales, if done with the right frame of mind and by the right people, can potentially transform the company’s fate financially and in the progress zone too.

Congrats! You now know the pitfalls and what to focus and what not to!